Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Weighty Issues

Disclaimer: Chad is at work right now and therefore, even though it says written by Chad, Joanna, and Emmie down below, this post is solely the work of Joanna. =o)

Have you ever noticed how vain women are about their weight? I know I am. If you ever want to know exactly how vain you are about your weight, you should get pregnant (as long as other circumstances (i.e. you're married) are conducive to pregnancy). I promised Chad I wouldn't complain or cry about my weight during my pregnancy until I reached a certain point and then I was allow to be upset about it even though to him I still looked beautiful and he didn't care how much I weighed. Well, God in His wisdom and with His wonderful sense of humor kept my weight below that point my entire pregnancy. Although the last two months I was hovering a pound or two directly below my limit but never surpassed even with the help of my Taco Bell/Ice Cream/Fried Food cravings (no, those cravings were not all at the same time, and just for the record, I never sent Chad to the store at 2 am for pickles and ice cream).
Now that I've had the baby, I find myself amazed at the joy that comes from losing weight even if the number staring up at me from the scale is nowhere near my before baby weight. I mean its like "Yes! I'm only 350 lbs today!" (Exorbitant number used to prove my vain point. You know if I had put my real weight in there you would have either wished you weighed that much or you would have thought whew, I'm glad I don't weigh that much) It would seem that if we can be happy about weighing 350 lbs, we could be happy about weighing our normal weight. But alas, we are vain creatures.


Janice Phillips said...

Oh dude, I cracked up laughing when I saw the "350 lbs" and could barely read the rest because I could totally hear you saying all that. Glad you are doing well in that department. I hear nursing (if circumstances are conducive to nursing...haha) helps melt those baby lbs off really fast.

Anonymous said...

Joanna, I love your frank spirit and just general sincerity. As this is my first time posting on your site, I'd like to officially say I am so happy for you and Chad and am proud of you both!

I can't wait for the chance (in October) to hold Emmie and for her to get a chance to meet "Aunt Cami." :-)

Take care and see you soon!
