Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Next American Idol

Emmie is starting to sing at random points during the day now. She loves the "Wheels on the Bus" song and can be found randomly during the day singing "Beep, Beep, Beep, Ahhh to" (translation: All through the town). Or like last night while we were visiting friends she was walking around in circles singing "ashy, ashy" then she would scream/laugh and flop down on the ground. Being the observant parents we are, it took us at least five minutes to figure out that she was doing ring-around-the-rosie. Watch out American Idol, Emmie is coming soon.

1 comment:

The Young Family said...

That's so fun! Abby's doing the same thing. She calls Ring around the Rosie - "pocket full". And she's started singing Elmo's World!