Sunday, March 25, 2007

Time for my monthly post =o)

The past month has gone by so quickly I didn't even realize it had been that long since I last posted. Some of the highlights from this month are:

-Emmie is crawling all over the place now. The other day she was in the hallway in view of Chad and I while we were talking in the living room. Next thing we knew Emmie had disappeared down the hallway and into the bathroom (I had left the door open because I was in the process of putting away towels) where she was kneeling beside the toilet with her hands on the seat peaking into the bowl. Thankfully we caught her before anything more interesting happened.

-As soon as the crawling clicked in, the pulling up started. Emmie now enjoys pulling up on any object and letting go to see how long she can stand by herself. I think her record so far is 20 seconds.

-Emmie is becoming a little clingy now too. If she is tired or hungry, she follows me around the house making pitiful whimpering sounds until I pick her up and hold her. I took her to get pictures done a few days ago and unfortunately the only appointment they had open was right in the middle of her tired/hungry afternoon time. Therefore, it was a very short lived experience that resulted in one wide-eyed scared picture and a daughter that promptly started crying and crawling toward her mommy everytime she was set down. Needless to say, no pictures were purchased at the end of the session. But I must admit, it is a wonderful feeling to know that Emmie feels safe and protected in my arms.

-March was the month of Aunty visits. Emmie has a lot of real aunts and adopted aunts. First adopted Aunt Cami was up from Florida for a wedding and came to visit. Then just a few days ago, my sister Melody was out to visit from CA and she got to meet Emmie for the first time. Lots of fun there.

-Emmie's had a little bit of a stuffy nose the past week and just yesterday started coughing and sounding a little worse than before. So being to good mother that I am, I left her home with Chad for the afternoon and went shopping with Beth. We finally realized that we only live about an hour apart so if we meet at the outlet mall in the middle we can see each other and shop at the same time. Life is good.

-I've been walking a lot now that the weather is starting to warm up a little bit. 10 laps on the driveway is a mile so I try to do at least a mile a day. I usually push Emmie is the stroller. She enjoys the ride and usually falls asleep around lap 5. So not only do I get Emmie to take a nap, I'm able to work on my figure a little bit at the same time.

-I noticed yesterday while trying on clothes that walking has helped return my backside to my prepregnancy norm or even a little better. After notifying my wonderful husband of this news, he promptly replied that I should have bought the mirror in which I had made this observation. =o) I love my hubby. Actually, I found his remark pretty funny (he was just teasing) so no need to post comments in my defense. =o)

Until next month...=o) (but hopefully sooner)


Elisa said...

That sounds like a comment my hubby might make :-)

Anonymous said...

In response to the mirror comment - if you don't want that mirror, I'll take it, but only if I get the same results as you!

Hilary :-)