Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One More

I almost forgot this little gem from last night....

Emmie was helping me "wash" the dishes last night. I usually give her a dry wash cloth and then bubbles for her to play with to keep her busy and happy. So we were washing plates and she was listing off which ones were "mommy's pate," "daddy's pate," and "Emmie's Pate" (the little one). There happened to be an extra dinner plate that Chad had used for lunch that was in the stash and she wanted to know who it belonged too. I told her daddy had used it for lunch. She looked at the plate and announced "Daddy's pate very sad." Not exactly sure why, but I guess she thought it might have felt left out. =o) She then proceeded to wrap her arms around it and said, "I give it hug" and comforted the plate with an "'s ok." =o)

Ice Cream and Emmie-isms

The other day we were eating dinner at a resturant. This particular resturant gives you a scoop of ice cream at the end of your meal as a dessert. Emmie, being well aware of this fact and having decided she was done with her dinner, persisted to ask us every minute or so for "ice keam." Now, explaining to a two year old that you have to wait for someone to get you ice cream (when Mommy and Daddy are usually the ones to get up a get things when they are requested by said two-year-old) is a difficult task. After several minutes of asking and being told that she would get ice cream but that we had to ask for it first (I think the waitress was specifically avoiding our table thinking that we were telling her she couldn't have any and didn't want to ask us in front of Emmie about ice cream) she got serious. She put her little hands, palms down, on the table and leaned forward and in, looking right in her Daddy's eyes, she very deliberately and slowly said "Iiice Keeeam." As if to say, "Obviously you're not getting this, I would like some ice cream and maybe if I say it slowly enough you'll understand that." After we finished laughing, I took Emmie to get some pie and the waitress finally came over to ask about ice cream while we were gone (hence the reason I think she was waiting). So Emmie got her ice cream and enjoyed every bit of it...or at least the part of it that didn't end up on her face and hands. =o)

Emmie has a habit, when we tell her we're going some place, to ask us, "Mommy coming?""Daddy coming?" etc to find out who's going. She'll even ask if she can bring something along by asking "juice coming?" or "book coming?" The cutest is when she asks, "Emmie coming?" to find out if she gets to come too.

A couple nights ago, we were done eating and I was starting to clean up the kitchen as Emmie finished eating. Chad's phone rang so he went jogging out of the room to get it and I hear this little voice pipe up, "Chad! Come Back!" "Come Back, Chad!" "Where'd Chad go?" She makes me laugh so hard!

Monday, October 13, 2008

What did you do on Saturday?

I woke up way too early, picked up Stephanie (see second picture), drove to downtown Baltimore, and proceeded to run and walk 13.1 miles around the city in 2 hours and 47 minutes. All this to get a really cool medal and shirt and so that I could say I've done a half-marathon (the free massage afterwards was great too.).
Chad and Matt brought the kids down after the race to pick us up. All in all it was a really awesome day and I'm looking forward to doing another one. =o)

The Wogging Mamas...Steph was my training partner, we did our long runs together. Congrats to her for doing the half 7 months after Jack was born.

On another note, here's another picture of Emmie from the fair. It was on the other camera and I forgot about it. On our second night at the fair she was much more interested in petting the animals. This calf is less than a month old.