...which mean everyone gets to read 7 strange things about me. If I can come up with that many. Everyone can thank
my sister for this pleasure. =o)
Here are the rules.
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Random Facts:
1. I played soccer in college. I think most of you know this already but I still find it ironic due to the fact that I had never played organized/competative soccer before. Sometimes it pays to go to a really small college.
2. I know how to keep score for baseball/softball games. I mean more than just keeping track of runs scored. If you were to look at my scorebook, you would be able to tell who scored what run and who got what put-out, etc. It's fun when I get to write F7 in the opposing batter's boxes, that means Chad was the one who got them out. =o)
3. I love getting bargins, but I don't really like going to garage sales. I think it's the having to get up and do something on a Saturday morning that I don't like. I would rather just stay home and relax until noon and then do stuff.
4. I've been in over half of the States in the USA. Only 23 more to go....New England road trip anyone?
5. I was in Philadelphia (the birthplace of a nation) and Charlottetown, PEI (birthplace of the confederation) in the same year.
6. I really like to bake and am looking forward to entering stuff in the county fair this year. =o) Yike! I'm becoming a redneck!
7. Hi, my name is Joanna and I'm a hallmark addict. I'm OC about picking out the right card for people. Sometimes going to more than one store in order to find it. I love keepsake ornaments too.
I tag
JC, and
SM too keep this up (if they feel like it) =o).