Emmie is now almost 11 months old. She's not quite 20 lbs and is just under 28 inches tall. A couple of days after my last post (which was right after she turned 9 months) Emmie started walking around. Within a week she had figured out how to stand up by herself and by all rights became fully engrossed in the toddler ranks. Crawling quickly became a thing of the past and just within the past week she has figured out how to walk backwards and "twirl" (walk) around in circles.
We joined the summer reading program at the library and have enjoyed reading books together for prizes. She got the biggest kick out of the larry boy sticker she "earned" from the librarian for completing the first list of activities in the program. Now granted while I want my daughter to enjoy reading, I must confess that my motives are not completely pure....I'm going to really enjoy using the coupon for the free ice cream cone from Chick-fil-a that comes in the little goody bag she received for participating. =o)
Well, since most of you would rather see pictures instead of reading my ramblings, I'll say good-bye for now so that I can post the pictures before Emmie wakes up.