Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Riding along in my automobile....

My baby beside me at the wheel....

This is how Emmie honks the horn on her new car.

She stands up and presses her belly against it to make it squeak.

When she's not driving, she's flying.... =o)

Thank you Hil, for introducing us to the wonderful world of mini pops.

Just the right size for little hands and mouths. =o)

To all those people out there who say Emmie looks like her daddy, you're right!

Now we all know what Chad would look like if he were bald. ;-)

Monday, May 07, 2007

Hickory, Dickory, Dock....

So the other afternoon I was sitting in our living room reading a book while Emmie played with her toys. I happened to glance over at the kitchen just in time to see a little brown streak scurry across the floor. Determined not to freak out, I slowly walked out into the kitchen to check if my eyes had been deceiving me. Now why I even bothered to look I'm not sure because there way no way I was going to get anywhere near to said rodent if I spotted it. So when Chad got home later in the day he set up mouse traps and checked them several times throughout the evening with no success. The next morning, just when I was beginning to think I had been seeing things, Chad's mom came down to let us know they had caught the little furball upstairs. Vindicated, I went throughout my day. Just when we were getting ready to leave to go somewhere, Chad calls out from the living room. "I see him!!" Chad proceeded to chase the mouse into our pantry where he (the mouse) hid for a few minutes and then came out and started to nibble the peanut butter on the mouse trap that Chad had set. Apparently, he was just a little baby mouse and therefore too small to set off the trap. Fortunatly, Chad was able to catch him and let him go outside. Hopefully, that will be the end of the mooses (as Chad calls them) for awhile. I can't see how they could like living inside when the have a cornfield right across the street to play in. =o)

In other news, Emmie had her 9 month doctor's visit today. She's a healthy 27.25 inches tall and 18.5 lbs, the 50th percentile for both for her age. This means that despite being able to down almost a whole hot dog in one sitting, she only gained a pound over the last 3 months. This is probably due to the fact that she is crawling all over the place now. She is standing very well by herself, is walking around when she has something to hold onto, and will even venture to take a step by herself now and then. Her favorite pastimes are climbing the 12 stairs up to MiMi and Poppy's house when mom or dad happen to leave the door open, "dancing" (holding her hands together and twisting side to side) when she hears music, and riding in her car outside (pictures coming soon).